- Blue Neon Crustal Hex
- 5 Types of Touch Flowing Particles
- Fully 3D Animated Live wallpaper Rendered with 20 Types of Geometric Crystal Hex Cells
And 5 Types of Animated Touch Flowing Particles With Plexus Effects.
- Real Animated live wallpaper that features an immersive 3D scene with a stylized
version of Geometric Hexagons. Swipe your finger to create an extravagant
Hex trail.
Themes Includes:
- Golden Hex
- Blue & Red Hex
- Ruby Red Hex
- Blue Hex
- Green Krypton Hex
- Purple Crystal Hex
- Pink Hex
- Rose Hex
- Iron Pyrite Hex
- Violet Hex
- Sky blue Hex
- 5 Types of Touch Follow Effect
- 2 Types of Flowing particles With Plexus Trails
- Flowing Bubbles
-Swipe your finger to create an extravagant Plexus trail of flowing particles.
- Enable "Switch Themes" To Change Themes From Home Screen With 2 Transparent
- Double Tap - Double Tap Anywhere on Home Screen To Open Settings Menu.
- Supports both phones and tablets, portrait/landscape.
- Very Colorful, Animated, 3D Shining Crystal Type Hexagons With Touch Following
Particles With Plexus Connections.
- Everything is 3D rendered in OpenGL 3.0, with fully interactive Effects that supports multi-
touch. Both tablets and phones are fully supported in both portrait and landscape modes!
Futuristic 3D Graphics Created In Unity 3D.
Virtual Reality Version of This App is Coming Soon
The Best android 3D Parallax live Wallpaper 2018
3D Android Live Wallpaper made with Unity 3D
LIVRE versão inclui:
- néon azul Crustal Hex
- 5 tipos de partículas fluindo Toque
VERSÃO completa inclui:
- Totalmente 3D Animated Live wallpaper Rendido com 20 tipos de células de cristal geométricas Hex
E 5 tipos de Animated Toque fluindo partículas com Efeitos plexo.
- Animated real papel de parede ao vivo que apresenta uma cena 3D imersivo com um estilizado
versão do geométricas dos hexágonos. Passe o dedo para criar uma extravagante
trilha Hex.
Temas Inclui:
- Golden Hex
- Blue & Red Hex
- Ruby Red Hex
- azul Hex
- Green Krypton Hex
- roxo cristal Hex
- rosa Hex
- Rose Hex
- Iron Pyrite Hex
- Violet Hex
- Céu azul Hex
- 5 tipos de toque Siga Effect
- 2 tipos de partículas que mana Trails plexo
- Fluxo Bubbles
-Swipe o dedo para criar uma trilha de Plexus extravagante de fluir partículas.
- Ativar "Alternar temas" para alterar Temas From Home Screen Com 2 Transparente
- Double Tap - Toque duplo em qualquer lugar na tela inicial para abrir o menu Configurações.
- Suporta ambos os telefones e tablets, retrato / paisagem.
- Muito colorido, animado, 3D Brilhando cristal Tipo hexágonos com toque A seguir
Partículas com conexões plexo.
- Tudo é processado em 3D OpenGL 3,0, com Efeitos totalmente interactivos que suporta multi-
tocar. Ambos os tablets e telefones são totalmente suportados em ambos os modos retrato e paisagem!
Gráficos 3D futurista criado em Unity 3D.
Versão Realidade Virtual deste aplicativo é Coming Soon
O Melhor android 3D Parallax viver Wallpaper 2018
3D Android Live Wallpaper feita com Unity 3D
- Blue Neon Crustal Hex
- 5 Types of Touch Flowing Particles
- Fully 3D Animated Live wallpaper Rendered with 20 Types of Geometric Crystal Hex Cells
And 5 Types of Animated Touch Flowing Particles With Plexus Effects.
- Real Animated live wallpaper that features an immersive 3D scene with a stylized
version of Geometric Hexagons. Swipe your finger to create an extravagant
Hex trail.
Themes Includes:
- Golden Hex
- Blue & Red Hex
- Ruby Red Hex
- Blue Hex
- Green Krypton Hex
- Purple Crystal Hex
- Pink Hex
- Rose Hex
- Iron Pyrite Hex
- Violet Hex
- Sky blue Hex
- 5 Types of Touch Follow Effect
- 2 Types of Flowing particles With Plexus Trails
- Flowing Bubbles
-Swipe your finger to create an extravagant Plexus trail of flowing particles.
- Enable "Switch Themes" To Change Themes From Home Screen With 2 Transparent
- Double Tap - Double Tap Anywhere on Home Screen To Open Settings Menu.
- Supports both phones and tablets, portrait/landscape.
- Very Colorful, Animated, 3D Shining Crystal Type Hexagons With Touch Following
Particles With Plexus Connections.
- Everything is 3D rendered in OpenGL 3.0, with fully interactive Effects that supports multi-
touch. Both tablets and phones are fully supported in both portrait and landscape modes!
Futuristic 3D Graphics Created In Unity 3D.
Virtual Reality Version of This App is Coming Soon
The Best android 3D Parallax live Wallpaper 2018
3D Android Live Wallpaper made with Unity 3D